7:30am |
The arrival and departure of each child will be recorded in the "signing in" book by the parent or guardian. |
10.00am |
Children will wash their hands for a group morning tea. Children must remain sitting while eating and drinking. |
11.45am |
Children will wash their hands. A teacher will take a group for a story or singing game while this is happening. Children will have their lunch. |
12.15pm |
Children who require a sleep will be put to bed. |
2.30pm |
Afternoon tea will be served in a group situation. Children may then separate for small group activities before breaking again for free choice of play. |
3.00pm |
Children are encouraged to have some quiet time. As some children depart at this time, staff are available to speak to outgoing parents and it provides those children who do not sleep with relaxing activities. other children may like to continue on their area of interest. |
3.30pm |
General wind down of day with children and teachers cleaning up activities, putting away outdoor equipment. Checking animals are secure, gathering belongings, fare welling children and parents. |
5.30pm |
Centre closing. |
Birkenhead Ave - 0-6 Years »
Daily Routines